Why are natural formations so different and unique?(1 point)


The mantle under the tectonic plates is constantly moving and stops constructive forces from acting too quickly.
The mantle under the tectonic plates is constantly moving and stops constructive forces from acting too quickly.

Divergent boundaries moving away from each other cause the weathering of rocks in the area which leads to erosion.
Divergent boundaries moving away from each other cause the weathering of rocks in the area which leads to erosion.

Constructive forces and destructive mechanisms in the natural world build up and take away from natural formations.
Constructive forces and destructive mechanisms in the natural world build up and take away from natural formations.

The movement of tectonic plates is so fast that mountains are able to form within a few years.

The movement of the Earth's tectonic plates is a major factor in the creation of natural formations. This constant movement causes the Earth's crust to shift and collide, leading to the formation of mountains, valleys, and other geological features. Additionally, natural processes such as erosion, weathering, and deposition further shape the Earth's surface, creating unique and diverse formations over time. The combination of these factors results in the incredible diversity and uniqueness of natural formations around the world.