A dressmaker needs to cut 12-inch pieces of ribbon from rolls of ribbon that are 3 feet in length. How many 12-inch pieces can the dressmaker cut from 10 of these rolls of ribbon?

How many inches of ribbon does the dressmaker have, in total?

Each roll of ribbon is 3 feet long, which equals 36 inches (since 1 foot is equal to 12 inches).

So, the dressmaker can cut 36/12 = 3 pieces of 12-inch ribbon from each roll.

From 10 rolls of ribbon, the dressmaker can cut a total of 10 * 3 = 30 pieces of 12-inch ribbon.

Therefore, the dressmaker has a total of 30 * 12 = 360 inches of ribbon.

How many 12-inch pieces are there in 360 inches?

There are 360 inches in total and each piece is 12 inches long, so to find out how many 12-inch pieces there are in 360 inches, we need to divide the total length by the length of each piece.

360 inches / 12 inches per piece = 30

Therefore, there are 30 pieces of 12-inch ribbon in 360 inches of ribbon.

Sofia buys a two-gallon bottle of juice for $35.84. What is the unit rate of the cost of the juice per fluid ounce?

1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 quart = 2 pints
1 pint = 2 cups
1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
How many fluid ounces of juice did Sofia buy?

First, we need to find out how many fluid ounces are in two gallons of juice.

Since 1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts, then 2 gallons is equal to 2 x 4 = 8 quarts.
Since 1 quart is equal to 2 pints, then 8 quarts is equal to 8 x 2 = 16 pints.
Since 1 pint is equal to 2 cups, then 16 pints is equal to 16 x 2 = 32 cups.
Since 1 cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces, then 32 cups is equal to 32 x 8 = 256 fluid ounces.

So, Sofia bought 256 fluid ounces of juice.

Next, we need to find the unit rate of the cost of the juice per fluid ounce.

The total cost of the two-gallon bottle of juice is $35.84. To find the unit rate per fluid ounce, we divide the total cost by the total number of fluid ounces:

Unit rate = Total cost / Total number of fluid ounces
Unit rate = $35.84 / 256 fluid ounces
Unit rate = $0.14 per fluid ounce

Therefore, the unit rate of the cost of the juice per fluid ounce is $0.14.