State 3 reasons and explain on why government tax shouldn't be reduced

1. Funding for public services: Government tax revenue is essential for funding important public services such as healthcare, education, transportation, and infrastructure. These services benefit the entire population and ensure the overall well-being and progress of society. By reducing taxes, the government would have less revenue to allocate towards these services, potentially causing a decline in their quality and availability.

2. Budget deficits: Tax reductions can lead to budget deficits if government spending is not adjusted accordingly. This can result in the government having to borrow money, which can lead to an increase in national debt. High levels of debt can have negative consequences for the economy, such as decreased investor confidence and higher interest rates.

3. Wealth inequality: Reducing taxes can exacerbate wealth inequality by disproportionately benefitting the wealthy. Lower income individuals rely more heavily on government services and assistance, so tax cuts that primarily benefit the rich can widen the wealth gap between the rich and poor. This can lead to increased social tension and instability within society.