What sort of desperation drove Chinese family to send their boys away and how did the US policies add to that desperation? What questions did text rays in your mind?

The desperation that drove Chinese families to send their boys away was primarily driven by poverty and the lack of opportunities in their home country. Many families believed that sending their sons to the US would provide them with better education and employment prospects.

US policies added to this desperation by enacting exclusionary laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which restricted Chinese immigration and naturalization, making it difficult for Chinese immigrants to bring their families over to the US. This forced many families to make the difficult decision to send their children, particularly sons, to the US in hopes of a better future.

The text raises questions about the impact of immigration policies on families, the sacrifices that parents are willing to make for their children's future, and the challenges faced by immigrant families in pursuit of the American Dream. It also prompts reflection on the historical and ongoing impacts of discriminatory policies on marginalized communities.