Short Answer:

How did Ancient Greek scientists and philosophers influence people's understanding of the natural world?

How did regular Greeks make sense of natural occurrences before scientific reasoning emerged?

To receive full credit, you must include a specific example from the online text from Unit 4 Lesson 6, or Lesson 7.

**3-4 sentence minimum**

Sentence frames: Ancient Greek scientists influenced people’s understanding of the natural world by ________. Greek scientists ____________ which changed the way people viewed _______. Greek Philosophers ________ which changed how people _______ about ________. Before these _______ were introduced by Greek scientists and philosophers, people believed _______.

Ancient Greek scientists influenced people's understanding of the natural world by observing and recording various natural phenomena, such as eclipses and tides. For example, Thales of Miletus correctly predicted a solar eclipse, which changed the way people viewed such events as mysterious or supernatural. Greek philosophers like Democritus proposed the concept of atoms, changing how people thought about the composition of matter. Before these scientific and philosophical ideas were introduced, people believed that natural occurrences were governed by gods or spirits.