-What do we get from snowy mountains and why?

1. Snow: The primary resource obtained from snowy mountains is snow itself. Snow is crucial for various reasons, including providing water resources for agriculture, drinking, and hydroelectric power generation.

2. Recreation: Snowy mountains offer opportunities for recreational activities such as skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and winter hiking. These activities contribute to tourism and local economies of mountainous regions.

3. Biodiversity: Snowy mountains support unique ecosystems and biodiversity, including endemic plant and animal species. These species play vital roles in maintaining ecological balance, providing essential ecosystem services, and supporting biodiversity conservation efforts.

4. Climate Regulation: Snowy mountains play a significant role in regulating global climate patterns. They act as carbon sinks, helping to mitigate climate change by storing carbon in their vegetation and soil. The reflective properties of snow also contribute to cooling the Earth's surface by reflecting sunlight back into space.

5. Cultural Significance: Snowy mountains hold cultural and spiritual significance for many indigenous communities around the world. They may be revered as sacred sites, important landmarks, or traditional gathering places.

Overall, snowy mountains provide a wide range of benefits to both humans and the environment, making them valuable and essential natural resources.