Which kind of function best models the data in the table? Use differences or ratios. x y 0 1.7 1 6.8 2 27.2 3 108.8 4 435.2

Looking at the data in the table, we can see that each y value is 4 times the previous y value when x increases by 1. This suggests that a geometric sequence or an exponential function would best model the data.

To test this, we can calculate the ratios between consecutive y values:

6.8 / 1.7 = 4
27.2 / 6.8 = 4
108.8 / 27.2 = 4
435.2 / 108.8 = 4

Since the ratios are constant and equal to 4, it indicates that an exponential function of the form y = a * (4^x) best models the data in the table.