The Kesling Middle School PTA is planning a carnival to raise money for the school’s art department. They estimate that the event will be very popular and that they will have 500 people attend. They plan to charge adults $10 and children $5 for admission. The PTA wants to earn $3,500 from admission charges. How many adults and how many children need to attend for the PTA to reach their goal of $3,500?(1 point) adults; children

Let X be the number of adults attending the carnival and Y be the number of children attending the carnival.

The total amount earned from adults is 10*X and the total amount earned from children is 5*Y. The total amount earned from both adults and children should be $3,500.

10*X + 5*Y = 3500

Also, the total number of attendees is given as 500, so:

X + Y = 500

Now we have two equations:

10*X + 5*Y = 3500
X + Y = 500

Solving these two equations, we get:

X = 300
Y = 200

Therefore, 300 adults and 200 children need to attend the carnival for the PTA to reach their goal of $3,500.