Tell me a scary Boogie man bed time story

Once upon a time, in a small town surrounded by dense, dark woods, there lived a little boy named Tommy. Tommy was always afraid of the dark and the creatures that lurked in the shadows. His parents would try to comfort him, telling him that there was nothing to be afraid of, but Tommy couldn't shake the feeling of dread that consumed him every night.

One particularly stormy night, Tommy was lying in bed, listening to the howling wind outside. As he tried to drift off to sleep, he heard a rustling sound coming from his closet. He closed his eyes tightly, hoping it was just his imagination. But then, he heard a low growl, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching his bed.

Tommy peeked through his covers and saw a tall, dark figure looming over him. It was the Boogie man, a terrifying creature who fed on fear and would snatch up naughty children who didn't listen to their parents.

The Boogie man leaned in close to Tommy and whispered in a sinister voice, "I've come to teach you a lesson, little boy. You should have listened to your parents and not been afraid of the dark."

Tommy's heart raced as he tried to scream for help, but no sound came out. The Boogie man grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the closet, where the darkness enveloped them both.

The next morning, Tommy's parents found his bed empty and the closet door wide open. They searched the entire house, but there was no sign of Tommy anywhere. From that day on, the townspeople whispered about the Boogie man and how he would come for naughty children who didn't heed his warning.

And to this day, the legend of the Boogie man haunts the small town, reminding children to always listen to their parents and never be afraid of the dark. For if they don't, the Boogie man might just come for them in the dead of night.