Maya drew one highlighter at a time from a container of highlighters. After each draw, the highlighter was replaced.

Maya recorded the results of 20 draws in the table below.

Draw Result Draw Result Draw Result Draw Result
1 blue 6 purple 11 orange 16 yellow
2 pink 7 orange 12 pink 17 purple
3 purple 8 blue 13 yellow 18 blue
4 orange 9 orange 14 purple 19 orange
5 blue 10 purple 15 orange 20 pink

What is the experimental probability of drawing a purple highlighter?

The experimental probability of drawing a purple highlighter can be calculated by finding the number of times a purple highlighter was drawn and dividing it by the total number of draws.

In this case, a purple highlighter was drawn 4 times out of a total of 20 draws.

Experimental probability = Number of purple highlighter draws / Total number of draws
Experimental probability = 4 / 20
Experimental probability = 0.2 or 20%

Therefore, the experimental probability of drawing a purple highlighter is 0.2 or 20%.