How introversion, sensing, thinking, judging can hinder my well-being in my choosen career

In certain careers, such as ones that require a lot of interaction with others or frequent changes in plans, being introverted may hinder your well-being. Introverts often prefer working independently and may feel drained or overwhelmed by constant social interaction.

Sensing, as a preference for focusing on concrete details and practical realities, may hinder your well-being in a career that requires abstract or creative thinking. You may struggle to see the big picture or come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Thinking, as a preference for making decisions based on logic and objectivity, may hinder your well-being in a career that requires empathy or emotional intelligence. You may struggle to connect with others on a personal level or understand their perspectives and emotions.

Judging, as a preference for planning and organizing, may hinder your well-being in a career that requires flexibility and adaptability. You may struggle to cope with unexpected changes or last-minute deadlines, leading to stress and burnout.