How was the agricultural revolution related to the Industrial Revolution

The agricultural revolution was related to the Industrial Revolution in several ways:

1. Increased agricultural productivity: The adoption of new farming techniques and technologies during the agricultural revolution led to increased crop yields and improved farming efficiency. This surplus in agricultural production provided the necessary food supply to support the growing population in urban areas during the Industrial Revolution.

2. Labor force transition: The agricultural revolution resulted in the displacement of many agricultural workers due to increased mechanization and efficiency in farming. This surplus labor force moved to urban areas to work in factories and industries, contributing to the rapid urbanization during the Industrial Revolution.

3. Technological advancements: Many of the technological advancements and innovations developed during the agricultural revolution, such as the use of steam-powered machinery and mechanized farming equipment, were later adapted and utilized in the industrial sector. These advancements helped drive the industrial revolution by increasing production efficiency and driving economic growth.

4. Increased trade and commerce: The agricultural revolution led to increased trade and commerce as surplus agricultural products were sold in urban markets and exported to other regions. This growth in trade and commerce laid the foundation for the global economic expansion and international trade networks that were key components of the Industrial Revolution.