4 different aspects in mental health

1. Biological: Biological factors play a significant role in mental health, including genetics, brain chemistry, and physical health conditions. Imbalances in neurotransmitters or structural abnormalities in the brain can contribute to mental health disorders.

2. Psychological: Psychological factors such as trauma, stress, coping skills, personality, and thought patterns can also impact mental health. Individuals with a history of trauma or prolonged exposure to stress may be more susceptible to developing mental health conditions.

3. Social: Social factors, including relationships, social support, socioeconomic status, and cultural beliefs, can influence mental health. Lack of social connections, discrimination, or financial stress can contribute to feelings of isolation and exacerbate mental health disorders.

4. Environmental: Environmental factors such as access to healthcare, exposure to toxins, and living conditions can also affect mental health. Individuals living in unsafe or unstable environments may be more likely to experience mental health challenges. Additionally, exposure to trauma or natural disasters can have a significant impact on mental wellbeing.