Candy has opened a mechanic's garage in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Her start-up costs were $58 374.97. She has an average of $21 364.15 in operating expenses each month. If she earns an average of $36 092.63 in revenue per month, the number of months it will take her to break even is (Round to the nearest month)

To find the number of months it will take Candy to break even, we need to determine her monthly profit:

Profit = Revenue - Operating Expenses

Profit = $36,092.63 - $21,364.15
Profit = $14,728.48

Now, we can calculate the number of months it will take Candy to break even:

Break-even = Startup Costs / Profit
Break-even = $58,374.97 / $14,728.48
Break-even ≈ 3.96 months

Therefore, it will take Candy approximately 4 months to break even.