What were Mcarthy's tactics?

Senator Joseph McCarthy's tactics during the Red Scare in the 1950s included:

1. Making baseless and exaggerated claims about the presence of Communists and Soviet spies in the US government and other institutions.
2. Conducting highly publicized hearings and investigations to publicly accuse individuals of being communist sympathizers or members of a communist conspiracy.
3. Engaging in character assassination and smear campaigns against his targets, using innuendo and guilt by association to discredit them.
4. Exploiting public fear and paranoia about the Cold War and the threat of communism to gain support for his anti-communist crusade.
5. Using intimidation and bullying tactics to silence critics and opposition, including journalists, politicians, and others who questioned his methods or motives.

summarize that into one short sentence

Senator Joseph McCarthy used baseless accusations, public hearings, character assassinations, fear-mongering, and intimidation tactics to target suspected communists during the Red Scare of the 1950s.