Louis lives 1/10 miles from school. He rides the bus to school every morning, but sometimes walk home after school. If Louis had walked a total of 1 1/5 miles in the last month, how many times has he walk from home to school?

Louis lives 1/10 miles from school and walks a total of 1 1/5 miles in the last month.

To find out how many times Louis has walked from home to school, we need to divide the total distance walked by the distance from home to school.

1 1/5 miles = 6/5 miles
Distance from home to school = 1/10 miles

Number of times Louis has walked from home to school = (6/5) / (1/10)
Number of times Louis has walked from home to school = (6/5) * (10/1)
Number of times Louis has walked from home to school = 60/5
Number of times Louis has walked from home to school = 12

Louis has walked from home to school 12 times in the last month.