Why does the use of social media widen the partisan gap?(1 point)


The audience grows based on popularity, not on correct information.
The audience grows based on popularity, not on correct information.

Social media conveys only a few different opinions.
Social media conveys only a few different opinions.

Social media does not have a large or varied audience.
Social media does not have a large or varied audience.

Social media is dedicated to telling just the political news.
Social media is dedicated to telling just the political news.

pick an answer

The algorithms of social media platforms tend to prioritize content that aligns with users' existing beliefs and preferences, creating echo chambers where people are only exposed to information that confirms their biases. This can lead to individuals becoming more entrenched in their own viewpoints and less likely to engage with opposing perspectives, ultimately widening the partisan gap.

The algorithms of social media platforms tend to prioritize content that aligns with users' existing beliefs and preferences, creating echo chambers where people are only exposed to information that confirms their biases. This can lead to individuals becoming more entrenched in their own viewpoints and less likely to engage with opposing perspectives, ultimately widening the partisan gap.