Write me a poem about a girl named grace getting stuck in the forest with wolves

Grace wandered into the forest,

Feeling lost and all alone.
The trees loomed tall above her,
Her path completely unknown.

The sun began to set,
Casting shadows all around.
Grace quickened her pace,
But only fear she found.

As night fell, Grace realized,
She was completely stuck.
Surrounded by wolves,
Their hungry eyes filled with luck.

She tried to run, she tried to hide,
But the wolves were on her trail.
Their howls echoed through the trees,
As Grace's spirit began to pale.

But just as all hope seemed lost,
Grace heard a voice so clear.
A gentle whisper in the wind,
Guiding her away from fear.

With courage in her heart,
Grace followed the voice's call.
Through the thick of the forest,
Away from the wolves' cruel thrall.

Finally, she emerged,
Into the clearing of a meadow.
The wolves were left behind,
As Grace felt a sense of shadow.

She had faced her fears,
And emerged stronger than before.
Grace, the girl of courage,
Would wander the forest nevermore.