a delivery truck service needs to transport 75 boxes. the boxes are all cubes with a side length of 18 in. how much space will the service need to transport the boxes?

To calculate the total space needed to transport the 75 boxes, we first need to find the volume of one box and then multiply it by the number of boxes.

The volume of a cube is given by the formula V = s^3, where s is the side length of the cube.

In this case, the side length of the cube is 18 in. So, the volume of one box is:

V = 18^3
V = 5832 cubic inches

Now, to find the total space needed to transport the 75 boxes, we need to multiply the volume of one box by the number of boxes:

Total space = 5832 cubic inches * 75 boxes
Total space = 437,400 cubic inches

Therefore, the delivery truck service will need 437,400 cubic inches of space to transport the 75 boxes.