23 of 2323 of 23 Items


Distance, Rate, and Time
Katie is determining the time it will take to travel 405 miles by train. The train travels 90 miles per hour.
Question 1
Consider the formula d = rt, where d represents distance, r represents rate, and t represents time. How could the formula be rearranged to determine the number of hours it takes to reach Kate's destination?
A t =

t = d r
B t =

t = r d
C t = rdt = rd
D t = drt = dr
Question 2
In the given situation, how many hours will Katie be traveling on the train?
A 5.1 hours5.1 hours
B 4.5 hours4.5 hours
C 4 hours4 hours
D 3.8 hours

B 4.5 hours4.5 hours