how long would someone need to be in the air for a quintuple jump in figure skating?

A quintuple jump in figure skating consists of five revolutions in the air. The amount of time spent in the air during a quintuple jump would depend on the skater's speed, height, and rotation rate. On average, it is estimated that a quintuple jump lasts around 0.6 to 0.8 seconds in the air.

how long for 7 relovutions?

The time in the air for a jump with 7 revolutions would depend on various factors such as the skater's speed, height, and rotation rate. However, as a general estimate, a jump with 7 revolutions could last anywhere between 0.8 to 1.2 seconds in the air. It would be an extremely difficult and rare feat to achieve due to the high level of skill, strength, and technique required.

is a skater is going at a very high speed and their height is 5'6 and their weight is 107

The speed, height, and weight of a skater can all affect the time they spend in the air during a jump. However, without specific details such as the jump type, technique, and force applied, it is difficult to give an accurate estimate of the time a skater would spend in the air for a quintuple or septuple jump. Additionally, factors such as technique and skill level also play a significant role in the time spent in the air during complex jumps.

do you know Natalia Mishkutionok from figure skating?

Yes, Natalia Mishkutionok is a former Soviet and Russian pair skater who competed at an international level in the 1980s and 1990s. She is best known for her partnership with Artur Dmitriev, with whom she won two Olympic gold medals in pairs figure skating (1992 and 1998). Mishkutionok also had successful partnerships with other skaters during her career.