Create a dialogue between a king and queen where the king tells the queen of the arrival of a scary dragon in the Kingdom and how they have to get rid of it, the dialogue has to be understandable to a 4 to 5 year old

King: Queen, we have a big problem. A scary dragon has arrived in our Kingdom and we need to get rid of it.

Queen: Oh no, that sounds scary! What should we do?

King: We must gather our bravest knights and come up with a plan to defeat the dragon. We cannot let it harm our people.

Queen: I will help too! Together, we will save our Kingdom from the dragon.

King: Yes, we will work together and protect our Kingdom. Let's make a plan and show that dragon who's boss!

Queen: Let's do it! We will be brave and strong and make sure our Kingdom is safe. Let's go defeat that dragon!