After viewing the video, find the link to the passage you will analyze, based on the book you are reading for novel study below.

After reviewing both texts, use the RAD method to respond to the questions below in a short answer response.

Rebound and Wall-E: Define Earth + Define Dancing

Question 1: Use the RAD method to identify the main characters in both texts. Describe the characters. What similarities and differences exist between them? Use details from the texts to compare and contrast the character traits of the two main characters. (5 points)

Novel: Rebound by Kwame Alexander

Link to passage for analysis:

In Rebound, the main character is a young boy named Charlie Bell. He is described as a talented basketball player who is going through a difficult time in his life. He is struggling to cope with the death of his father and finds solace in playing basketball. Charlie is shown to be passionate, determined, and resilient as he tries to come to terms with his emotions and grow as a person.

In Wall-E, the main character is a robot named Wall-E who is left alone on Earth after humans have abandoned it. Wall-E is depicted as a curious and caring robot who forms a special bond with another robot named Eve. Despite being a machine, Wall-E shows emotions and a desire for connection, making him a relatable and endearing character.

Similarities between Charlie and Wall-E include their resilience in the face of challenges and their ability to form meaningful relationships with others. Both characters also show a sense of curiosity and a willingness to grow and learn. However, a key difference between them is their physical nature - Charlie is a human while Wall-E is a robot. This difference impacts how they interact with the world around them and the ways in which they express their emotions.

Overall, both Charlie and Wall-E are complex and engaging characters who undergo personal growth throughout their respective stories. Their similarities and differences contribute to their unique personalities and make them compelling protagonists in their respective narratives.

With the information from the first question, answer this one:

Question 2: Use the RAD Method to describe the theme, or life lesson, the characters in the two texts help the readers understand. Use the plot events, author's language, and literary devices from the two texts to support your answer. (5 points)

The theme that the characters in both Rebound and Wall-E help readers understand is the importance of resilience and the power of human connection. Throughout both texts, the main characters face challenges and difficulties, but they are able to overcome them through their resilience and determination. Charlie in Rebound struggles with the loss of his father and the pressures of growing up, but he finds solace in playing basketball and learns to lean on his family and friends for support. Similarly, Wall-E in the movie Wall-E is left alone on an abandoned Earth, but he perseveres and forms a meaningful connection with Eve, ultimately playing a key role in saving humanity.

The plot events in both texts highlight the characters' journeys towards finding inner strength and forming bonds with others. In Rebound, the author's language and use of basketball as a metaphor for life's challenges emphasize the theme of resilience and the importance of teamwork. The author's portrayal of Charlie's emotional growth and his interactions with his family and friends further reinforces the idea that connections with others can help us overcome adversity. In Wall-E, the visual storytelling and the relationship between Wall-E and Eve showcase the power of human connection and the impact it can have on individuals.

Literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and characterization are used in both texts to convey the theme of resilience and human connection. The repeated motif of basketball in Rebound represents Charlie's way of coping with his emotions and finding a sense of purpose. In Wall-E, the contrast between the desolate Earth and the futuristic spaceship highlights the importance of preserving the planet and the need for human connection in a technologically advanced world.

Overall, the characters in both Rebound and Wall-E help readers understand the theme of resilience and the power of human connection through their personal journeys and interactions with others. The themes are underscored by the plot events, author's language, and literary devices used in the texts, making a strong and impactful message for readers to reflect upon.