Find the initial value of the linear function, given that the rate of change is m=−47, and (14,3) is an (x,y) value of the linear function.(1 point)

b=15.71 b equals 15.71
b=−5 b equals negative 5
b=12.29 b equals 12.29

To find the initial value (y-intercept) of the linear function when given the slope and a point on the line, you can use the point-slope formula:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

m = slope = -47
(x1, y1) = (14, 3)

Plug in the values:

3 - 3 = -47(14 - 14)
0 = 0

The initial value doesn't affect the equation because the slope is so steep; any value for the initial value would still have the same slope of -47. Therefore, it can be said that b can take essentially any value since it would not impact the slope.