From the perspective of a sports manager,

what have you learned from the case
study, and how are you going to use the
information in the future? explain

From the case study, I have learned the importance of understanding and valuing the mental health and wellbeing of athletes. In the case study, the athlete experienced burnout and struggles with anxiety, which ultimately impacted their performance on the field. As a sports manager, it is crucial for me to prioritize the mental health of my athletes and create a supportive environment that promotes their overall wellbeing.

I will use this information in the future by regularly checking in with my athletes to assess their mental health and address any concerns they may have. I will also work to create a culture of open communication and encourage my athletes to speak up if they are experiencing any mental health issues. Additionally, I will provide resources and support for mental health services to ensure that my athletes have access to the help they may need. By taking these steps, I hope to prevent burnout and improve the overall performance and wellbeing of my athletes.