Matter and Energy Flow Unit Test


1. What is the primary source of energy for most life on Earth?

- The Sun

2. What is the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy?
- Photosynthesis

3. How do consumers obtain energy from the food they eat?
- Through the process of cellular respiration

4. What happens to energy as it flows through an ecosystem?
- It is transferred from one organism to another and eventually lost as heat

5. What is the ultimate source of energy for deep-sea vent communities?
- Chemical reactions involving sulfur compounds

6. Why is energy flow in an ecosystem often depicted as a pyramid?
- To show that energy decreases as it moves from one trophic level to the next

7. How does the second law of thermodynamics explain the flow of energy through an ecosystem?
- It states that energy is lost as heat when transferred between trophic levels

8. Why is it important for organisms to obtain matter from their environment?
- To build and maintain their bodies and carry out essential life functions

9. How does matter cycle through an ecosystem?
- It is recycled through processes such as decomposition, nutrient absorption, and excretion

10. Why is the cycling of matter essential for the functioning of ecosystems?
- It ensures that nutrients are continuously available for organisms to use