Andrew lives near a large urban development and has a rare genetic condition that suppresses his immune system, so he sometimes gets sicker than his peers. Define pathogenic agents and genetic and environmental factors. Then, describe how each of these might affect Andrew’s health.

Pathogenic agents are biological agents (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) that can cause disease in a host organism. These agents can enter the body through various routes and can disrupt the body’s normal functioning, leading to illness.

Genetic factors refer to inherited characteristics that can influence an individual’s health. In Andrew’s case, his rare genetic condition that suppresses his immune system can make him more susceptible to infections and illnesses. This means that his body may have difficulty fighting off pathogenic agents, leading to more frequent and severe illnesses compared to his peers.

Environmental factors are external factors that can influence an individual’s health. In Andrew’s case, living near a large urban development can expose him to a higher concentration of pollutants, allergens, and pathogens in the environment. This increased exposure can put additional stress on his already compromised immune system, making him more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.

Overall, the interaction between pathogenic agents, genetic factors, and environmental factors can significantly impact Andrew’s health. The presence of pathogenic agents can lead to infections and illnesses, while his genetic condition can make it harder for his body to fight off these pathogens. Additionally, environmental factors can exacerbate these effects by increasing his exposure to harmful substances and pathogens. It is important for Andrew to take precautions to minimize his exposure to pathogens in his environment and to seek medical attention promptly when he does get sick.