Explain weather people are more likely to eat too much or too little in the story Pick your portion

In the story "Pick Your Portion," the main character, Patty, struggles with portion control and finding a healthy balance in her eating habits. Throughout the story, Patty is faced with various food choices and portion sizes, which often leads her to overeat or undereat.

Patty's tendency to overeat is demonstrated when she chooses larger portion sizes at a buffet, feeling the need to "get her money's worth" and not realizing when she is full. This results in feelings of discomfort and guilt after consuming too much food.

On the other hand, Patty also struggles with undereating when she attempts to limit her portions strictly in an effort to lose weight. This restrictiveness leads to feelings of deprivation and ultimately causes her to give in to cravings and overeat later on.

Overall, the story illustrates how people like Patty may struggle to find a healthy balance in their eating habits, often swinging between extremes of eating too much or too little. It highlights the importance of mindful eating and listening to one's body's hunger and fullness cues to achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition.