Calculate the theoretical probability of spinning letters C and E. Compare

the result with part

C = 25
e = 63

The theoretical probability of spinning the letter C is calculated by taking the number of outcomes where C is spun (1) and dividing it by the total number of possible outcomes (26, representing all the letters of the alphabet). Therefore, the theoretical probability of spinning the letter C is 1/26.

The theoretical probability of spinning the letter E is calculated in the same way, with the number of outcomes where E is spun (1) divided by the total number of possible outcomes (26). Thus, the theoretical probability of spinning the letter E is 1/26.

To find the theoretical probability of spinning both letters C and E, we multiply the probabilities of spinning each letter together: (1/26) * (1/26) = 1/676.

Therefore, the theoretical probability of spinning both letters C and E is 1/676.

Comparing this result with the provided frequencies of C (25) and E (63), we see that the actual probability of spinning both letters C and E in this scenario is very low relative to their frequencies in the spinning process.