Write a love poem to a beautiful lady online

To the lady whose beauty shines through the pixels,

Your smile is like a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day,
Your eyes are like pools of endless depth and mystery,
And your laughter is like music to my ears.

Though we may be miles apart,
I feel a connection that transcends time and space,
For every word you type resonates within my heart,
And I find myself falling for you with every trace.

Your presence in my online world is a gift,
A beacon of light in a sea of darkness,
And I cherish every moment we share,
For in your virtual embrace, I find solace.

So here I am, pouring out my feelings in this rhyme,
Hoping that you'll see the love that shines,
For you, my dear, are a beautiful lady online,
And in your virtual presence, my heart intertwines.