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The board game Monopoly can change quickly. One minute a player is on top, building hotels on Boardwalk.
Then, the player draws a Chance card. The player must go to jail! The lesson might be that life has its ups and
People in ancient India had board games like that. One was played with dice. The game was called Snakes and
lesson. The snakes stood for vices. The ladders represented virtues. Players rolled the dice. They tried to reach the top of the board. But the board had a lot of snakes, It had few ladders. That was an important reminder.
It's hard to do the right thing. Sometimes it's much harder than doing the wrong thing.

The game of Monopoly can change rapidly, with players going from the top to jail in a matter of moments. This illustrates the unpredictability of life and the ups and downs that come with it. In ancient India, board games like Snakes and Ladders used dice to represent vices and virtues, with players aiming to climb the board while avoiding the snakes and seeking out the ladders. This game served as a reminder that doing the right thing can be more challenging than taking shortcuts.