What are the variables you can change to show carbon dioxide and oxygen being exchanged in photosynthesis

1. Light intensity: Increasing or decreasing the amount of light that the plant receives can affect the rate of photosynthesis, which in turn affects the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

2. Temperature: Changing the temperature can also impact the rate of photosynthesis and the exchange of gases. Higher temperatures may increase the rate of photosynthesis, while very low temperatures can slow it down.
3. Carbon dioxide concentration: The amount of carbon dioxide available to the plant can influence the rate of photosynthesis and the exchange of gases. Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide can promote photosynthesis, while reducing it can inhibit the process.
4. Oxygen concentration: Similarly, the availability of oxygen can also affect photosynthesis. Plants release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, so ensuring a sufficient supply of oxygen can support the process.
5. Water availability: Water is essential for photosynthesis and maintaining the plant's structure. Changes in water availability can impact the overall health of the plant, which can indirectly affect photosynthesis and gas exchange.
6. Nutrient availability: Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are vital for plant growth and development. Ensuring adequate nutrient supply can help optimize photosynthesis and gas exchange in plants.

In order for photosynthesis to happen a plant needs_________________.

In order for photosynthesis to happen, a plant needs light energy, water, carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll. These are the essential components required for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants. Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts, along with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water from the soil. Through a series of complex chemical reactions, photosynthesis converts these raw materials into glucose and oxygen as byproducts. This process is crucial for plants to produce their own food and release oxygen into the environment.

Can you shorten that to a couple sentences

In order for photosynthesis to happen, a plant needs light energy, water, carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll. These components are essential for the process of converting light energy into glucose and oxygen, which are vital for plant growth and survival.

Hypothesis I think if I change the amount of sunlight a plant gets________ will happen. Fill in the blank

Hypothesis: I think if I change the amount of sunlight a plant gets, the rate of photosynthesis will increase or decrease accordingly.

If I change the light intensity to 50% and the 0 2 is 21.7

It seems like there may be a typo or missing information in your question. Can you please provide more context or clarify so I can assist you accurately?

What does it mean if I change the lightning intensity to 50% and the oxygen is now 21.7