why school starting early is better

1. Improved academic performance: Research has shown that students who start school early tend to perform better academically. This is because their minds are fresher in the morning, allowing them to better focus and retain information.

2. Better time management skills: Starting school early helps students develop good time management habits as they learn to allocate their time efficiently between school, extracurricular activities, and homework.

3. Consistency in schedule: Having a consistent start time for school can help students establish a routine, leading to better sleeping patterns and overall well-being.

4. More time for extracurricular activities: Starting school early allows students to finish classes earlier in the day, giving them more time in the afternoon to participate in extracurricular activities or sports.

5. Preparation for real-world schedules: In the working world, most jobs start early in the morning. By starting school early, students are better prepared for future careers that require an early start time.

6. Improved attendance: Starting school early can lead to better attendance rates as students are more likely to arrive on time when school starts early in the morning.

Overall, starting school early can have numerous benefits for students in terms of academic performance, time management, consistency, and preparation for future endeavors.