What is the simplified form of √48°n?

The simplified form of √48°n is 4√3n.

Is there a degree symbol in 4√3n?

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. The correct simplified form is √48n, which simplifies to 4√3n. There is no degree symbol in this expression. Thank you for pointing that out.

The answers are,

A: 4n^3√3
B: 4n^4√3n
C: 3n√4n^8
D: 4√3n^9

The correct simplified form of √48°n is D: 4√3n^9. Thank you for providing the correct options.

What is the simplified form of 3√5c x √15c^3?

A: 15c^2√3
B: 6c^2√5
C: 5c^2√3
D: 12c^4√5

To simplify the expression 3√5c * √15c^3, we can multiply the coefficients and combine the square roots:

3 * √5c * √15c^3
= 3 * √(5 * 15 * c * c^3)
= 3 * √(75c^4)
= 3 * √(25 * 3 * c^4)
= 3 * √(25) * √(3) * √(c^4)
= 3 * 5 * √(3) * c^2
= 15c^2√3

Therefore, the simplified form of 3√5c * √15c^3 is A: 15c^2√3.

Which radical expression is in simplified form?

A: 11y/(√3)
B: (√6)/5y
C: √17/√4
D: √25/81

To determine which radical expression is in simplified form, we need to simplify each option:

A: 11y/(√3) = (11y√3)/(√3*√3) = 11y√3/3 = (11√3y)/3

B: (√6)/5y is already simplified, as the square root cannot be simplified further.

C: √17/√4 = √17/2 = (1/2)√17

D: √25/81 = 5/9

Among the options provided, Option B: (√6)/5y is in simplified form.

A gardener is mowing a 20 by 40 yard rectangular pasture using a diagonal pattern. He mows from one corner of the pasture to the corner diagonally opposite. What is the length of this pass with the mower? Give your answer in simplified form. Recall from the Pythagorean Theorem that, for a right triangle, the square of the length of the diagonal is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides. (1 point)