
Please choose one compromise from the list that was put in place before the Civil War and explain what the compromise did and if you think it was successful or unsuccessful. Also describe how it affected the different regions of the United states and how they reacted to the compromise.

List of Compromises:

Missouri Compromise

Compromise of 1850

Kansas Nebraska Act

Be sure to:

• Summarize the compromise you choose.

• Explain why the compromise was unsuccessful or successful

• Include how regional differences (economics, culture, industry) affected the development and success of the compromise.

I will choose the Missouri Compromise for this task.

The Missouri Compromise was a legislative agreement reached in 1820 that aimed to maintain a balance of power between slave and free states in the United States. The compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state while Maine entered as a free state, preserving the balance of power in the Senate. Additionally, it prohibited slavery in any new states formed north of the 36°30′ parallel.

The Missouri Compromise can be viewed as both successful and unsuccessful. On one hand, it temporarily preserved the delicate balance between slave and free states, preventing a major conflict from breaking out at the time. However, the compromise ultimately failed to address the underlying issue of slavery, and tensions continued to rise between the North and South.

The compromise affected the different regions of the United States in various ways. In the South, where slavery was a vital part of the economy, the compromise was seen as necessary to protect their way of life. In the North, where industrialization was rapidly expanding, the compromise was viewed as a temporary solution that did not adequately address the moral issue of slavery. Over time, as the country expanded westward and new territories were being established, the Missouri Compromise became increasingly unsustainable and contributed to the growing divide between the North and South.

Overall, the Missouri Compromise can be seen as a temporary band-aid solution that ultimately failed to address the deep-rooted issues surrounding slavery and statehood. The regional differences in economics, culture, and industry played a significant role in shaping the reactions to the compromise and its long-term effectiveness.