Which term means making sense of information? (1 point)

• evidence
• reasoning
• investigation
• explanation


Which is most likely an example of selective breeding? (1 point)

• modifying bacteria for medical uses like producing insulin
• developing salmon that grow more quickly in order to increase yields
• creating rice that contains more vitamin A for health purposes raising chickens and having larger ones reproduce in order to produce more meat

raising chickens and having larger ones reproduce in order to produce more meat

Why are the gene pools of small populations reduced compared to those of larger populations? (1 point)

• inbreeding
• lack of advantageous traits
• lack of suitable mates
• bottleneck events

bottleneck events

In an ecosystem, there are two color varieties within a species of toads: brown and green. Over 50 years, the proportion of the population that is green increases from 20% to 50%. Which statement is the most likely to explain this change? (1 point)

• A disease caused a decrease in the proportion of brown toads.
The environment changed such that green toads can blend into their surroundings better.
• Pollution caused a decrease in the proportion of brown toads.
The environment changed such that toads that can jump higher into
• the trees to survive better.

The environment changed such that green toads can blend into their surroundings better.

In an ecosystem where most flowers are long and bell-shaped, there are two varieties of hummingbird: birds with short beaks and birds with long beaks. What is the most likely hummingbird population composition? (1 point)

• only long-beaked hummingbirds
• more short-beaked hummingbirds
• more long-beaked hummingbirds
• only short-beaked hummingbirds

more long-beaked hummingbirds

Consider the following scenario: You are a scientist observing rodents on the Galapagos Islands. You notice that the introduction of new bird of prey has limited the number of rodents. What term best describes the factor that is limiting the number of rodents the environment can support? (1 point)

• fitness
• food supply
• variation
selective pressure