Is (5,−1) a solution to the system of these linear equations: x + y = 4 and 2x + 3y = 7? Why?

A. No, because the graphs intersect at (5,−1).

B. No, because the graphs don’t intersect at (5,−1).

C. Yes, because the graphs intersect at (5,−1).

D. Yes, because the graphs don’t intersect at (5,−1).

C. Yes, because the point (5,−1) satisfies both equations when substituted in.

Is (7, 3) the solution to the system of these linear equations: 3x + 2y = 5 and −x + 6y = 11? Why?

A. Yes, because the graphs don’t intersect at (7, 3)

B. Yes, because the graphs intersect at (7, 3)

C. No, because the graphs don’t intersect at (7, 3)

D. No, because the graphs intersect at (7, 3)

C. No, because the point (7, 3) does not satisfy both equations when substituted in.