What events / interactions / programs have been most impactful to YOU feeling connected on campus / having a sense of community pride?

1. Orientation week: participating in activities and getting to know other new students helped me feel connected to the campus community from the beginning of my time at university.

2. Joining a club or organization: getting involved in a student club or organization allowed me to meet like-minded individuals and feel a sense of belonging within a smaller community on campus.

3. Attending campus events: participating in events such as sporting games, concerts, or cultural celebrations helped me feel connected to the larger campus community and fostered a sense of school pride.

4. Living in residence: living on campus allowed me to develop friendships with fellow students and build a strong sense of community within my residence hall.

5. Volunteer opportunities: participating in volunteer programs or community service initiatives on campus helped me feel connected to the wider community and gave me a sense of pride in giving back to others.

Overall, these events, interactions, and programs have been instrumental in fostering a sense of connection and community pride during my time on campus.