A class is finding the radii of 3 cylinders.

Cylinder A has a surface area of 4,163.64 in.2 .
Cylinder B has a surface area of 4,521.60 in.2 .
Cylinder C has a surface area of 3,165.12 in.2 .

If the height of each cylinder is 22 inches, find the radius of each cylinder. Use 3.14 for π .

(1 point)

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 17 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 17 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 18 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 18 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 17 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 17 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.
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Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.

u sure

Apologies for the mistake in my initial response. Let's calculate the radius for each cylinder:

Surface area = 2πr(r + h)

For Cylinder A:
4,163.64 = 2*3.14*r(r + 22)
2,081.82 = 3.14*r(r + 22)
2,081.82 = 3.14r^2 + 68.68r
3.14r^2 + 68.68r - 2,081.82 = 0

We can use the quadratic formula to solve for r:
r = (-68.68 ± sqrt(68.68^2 - 4*3.14*(-2081.82))) / (2*3.14)

r ≈ 17 inches (rounded to the nearest whole number)

For Cylinder B:
4,521.60 = 2*3.14*r(r + 22)
2,260.80 = 3.14r(r + 22)
2,260.80 = 3.14r^2 + 68.68r
3.14r^2 + 68.68r - 2,260.80 = 0

Solving the quadratic equation for Cylinder B:
r ≈ 14 inches (rounded to the nearest whole number)

For Cylinder C:
3,165.12 = 2*3.14*r(r + 22)
1,582.56 = 3.14r(r + 22)
1,582.56 = 3.14r^2 + 68.68r
3.14r^2 + 68.68r - 1,582.56 = 0

Solving the quadratic equation for Cylinder C:
r ≈ 16 inches (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, the correct values are:
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 16 inches.

whats the answer

Apologies for the confusion earlier. The correct answer is:

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 16 inches.

thats not even an option

I apologize for the oversight. Let's reevaluate the problem.


Surface area of Cylinder A = 4,163.64 in^2
Surface area of Cylinder B = 4,521.60 in^2
Surface area of Cylinder C = 3,165.12 in^2
Height (h) of all cylinders = 22 inches

The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is: 2πr^2 + 2πrh

Using the given values:

For Cylinder A:
4,163.64 = 2*3.14*r^2 + 2*3.14*r*22
4,163.64 = 6.28r^2 + 138.16r
6.28r^2 + 138.16r - 4,163.64 = 0

Using the quadratic formula to solve for r, we get r ≈ 17 inches

For Cylinder B:
4,521.60 = 2*3.14*r^2 + 2*3.14*r*22
4,521.60 = 6.28r^2 + 138.16r
6.28r^2 + 138.16r - 4,521.60 = 0

Solving this equation, we get r ≈ 14 inches

For Cylinder C:
3,165.12 = 2*3.14*r^2 + 2*3.14*r*22
3,165.12 = 6.28r^2 + 138.16r
6.28r^2 + 138.16r - 3,165.12 = 0

Solving this equation, we get r ≈ 16 inches

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 16 inches.

pick ONE

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 17 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 17 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 18 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.
Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 18 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.

Cylinder A’s radius is 18 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 17 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 14 inches.

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:

Cylinder A’s radius is 17 inches, cylinder B’s radius is 14 inches, and cylinder C’s radius is 18 inches.