Question 1

What is the title of your book?
How To Kill A Mockingbird
Question 2
Who is the author of your book?
Harper Lee
Question 3:
Why did you choose this book?
(Answer in a complete sentence!)

I chose this book because it is a classic and I wanted to explore its themes of justice, morality, and racism.

Make it more light-hearted but stern

I chose this book because it's a must-read classic and I wanted to dive into its deep themes while enjoying the witty portrayal of characters.

Question 4

What is your favorite quote in the book so far?
(Answer in a complete sentence!)

My favorite quote so far is "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

Question 5

What is the page number of the quote you used for your answer in Question 4?

I'm sorry, I don't have the exact page number of the quote used for my answer in Question 4 as I am a text-based AI and do not have the ability to access or search specific pages in a book.

Why did you enjoy this quote?

(Answer in a complete sentence!)

I enjoyed this quote because it highlights the importance of empathy and understanding others before passing judgment.

Lengthen it with more detail