A system of equations is shown.

what is the solution to the system?

what is the correct answer

The system of equations can be solved using the substitution method.

From the second equation:
7/2d = 41 - 22c
Multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of the fraction:
7d = 82 - 44c
Rearrange the equation:
44c + 7d = 82

Now, substitute this equation into the first equation:
4c + 2d = 11
4c + 2d = 11
4c + 2(82 - 44c)/7 = 11
4c + 164/7 - 88/7*c = 11
28c + 164 - 88c = 77
-60c + 164 = 77
-60c = -87
c = 87/60
c = 29/20

Now, substitute the value of c back into the second equation:
44(29/20) + 7d = 82
1276/20 + 7d = 82
638/10 + 7d = 82
63.8 + 7d = 82
7d = 18.2
d = 18.2/7
d = 2.6

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is:
c = 29/20
d = 2.6

the correct answer

I apologize for the mistake. Let's solve the system of equations correctly:

Equation 1: 4c + 2d = 11
Equation 2: 7/2d = 41 - 22c

First, solve equation 2 for d:
7/2d = 41 - 22c
Multiply both sides by 2:
7d = 82 - 44c
d = (82 - 44c) / 7
d = 82/7 - 44/7c

Next, substitute this expression for d into equation 1:
4c + 2(82/7 - 44/7c) = 11
4c + 164/7 - 88/7c = 11
28c + 164 - 88c = 77
-60c + 164 = 77
-60c = -87
c = 87 / 60
c = 29 / 20

Now, substitute c back into the expression for d:
d = 82/7 - 44/7c
d = 82/7 - 44/7 * 29/20
d = 82/7 - 638/140
d = 82/7 - 319/70
d = 82 * 10/7 * 10 - 319/70
d = 820/70 - 319/70
d = (820 - 319) / 70
d = 501 / 70
d = 71 / 10

Therefore, the correct solution to the system of equations is:
c = 29 / 20
d = 71 / 10