may you please select two areas you feel you'd like to improve by using the SMART goal criteria you learned about in the unit and write out two specific goals you'd like to set as part of your overall fitness plan and write out three strategies that will help you achieve each of you goals. What will you do to make sure you keep working toward these goals?

also write a plan for how you will monitor your goals for both short-term and long-term success.

Area 1: Strength Training

Goal: Increase overall strength by 10% within 3 months by following a structured strength training program.

1. Schedule at least 3 strength training sessions per week.
2. Start with lower weights and gradually increase the load to challenge muscles.
3. Track progress by keeping a workout journal to monitor sets, reps, and weights used.

Area 2: Cardiovascular Fitness
Goal: Improve cardiovascular endurance by running a 5k race in under 30 minutes within 6 months.

1. Incorporate at least 3 days of running or other cardio activities into weekly workout routine.
2. Gradually increase distance and speed over time to build endurance.
3. Use a running app to track progress and monitor pace and distance covered.

Monitoring Plan:
Short-term Success:
- Weekly check-ins with a fitness coach or workout buddy to review progress on strength training and cardio goals.
- Regularly updating workout journal with completed workouts and any improvements or challenges faced.
Long-term Success:
- Monthly reassessment of strength training progress with a personal trainer to adjust program as needed.
- Participate in quarterly races or events to track improvements in cardiovascular endurance.
- Celebrate milestones and achievements to stay motivated and focused on long-term goals.