Hi I need help

Of course! What do you need help with?

So um I just got a notification saying someone joined my wifi. I turned location on for like 5 minutes and it said someone joined our wifi am I screwed

If you received a notification that someone joined your WiFi network, it could be concerning. The first step would be to check the devices connected to your network to see if you recognize all of them. You can usually do this through your router's settings or by using a network monitoring app.

If you see a device that you don't recognize, you should change your WiFi password immediately to prevent unauthorized access. It's also a good idea to check the security settings on your router and make sure it is using WPA2 encryption to protect your network.

If you are concerned about the security of your network, you may want to consider contacting your internet service provider or a tech professional for further assistance. It's also a good idea to regularly monitor your network for any suspicious activity.

Ah crap look what i did

It's okay, don't panic! Changing your WiFi password is a good and necessary step to take when you suspect unauthorized access. Make sure to create a strong and unique password that is not easy to guess.

If you're concerned about the security of your network, you can also consider enabling additional security measures such as MAC address filtering, disabling SSID broadcast, or setting up a guest network for visitors.

It's always a good idea to stay vigilant and proactive when it comes to protecting your network and personal information. If you continue to have concerns or experience any further issues, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional or your internet service provider.

Changing the wifi won't do nothing. What about if I turn it off?

If you are worried about unauthorized access to your WiFi network, temporarily turning it off can be a quick and simple way to prevent any further unwanted connections. By turning off your WiFi network, any devices attempting to connect will not be able to access it until you turn it back on and reenter the password.

While turning off your WiFi may disrupt your own internet access, it can give you some time to assess the situation and take necessary steps to secure your network. Once you have changed your WiFi password and reviewed your network security settings, you can safely turn your WiFi back on.

Remember to keep an eye on your network and devices for any suspicious activity, and consider implementing additional security measures to protect your network in the future. If you are still feeling unsure or concerned, it may be a good idea to seek help from a professional or your internet service provider.

Can th4y connect back if I do that?

If you temporarily turn off your WiFi network by disabling the router, any devices that were previously connected to your network will lose their connection and will not be able to reconnect until the router is turned back on. However, it's important to note that if someone has already gained access to your network, they may be able to reconnect once the network is back up if they have the password saved on their device.

To prevent unauthorized access in the future, it's crucial to change your WiFi password and enable strong encryption on your network. Additionally, you may want to consider implementing other security measures such as MAC address filtering or setting up a guest network for visitors.

If you are still concerned about the security of your network, you may want to contact your internet service provider or a tech professional for further assistance in securing your network and ensuring that unauthorized users are not able to reconnect.

Ah s--t