The graph represents

. Which coordinate pair is NOT a solution for the equation?
A (−8, −1)(−8, −1)
B (−2, −4)(−2, −4)
C (4, −4)(4, −4)
D (0, −3)(0, −3)
Question 2
Suppose −4 is the x-coordinate for a solution to the equation. What is the y-coordinate?
A −4−4
B −1−1
C −2−2
D 4

For the first question, the solution should lie on the line in the graph. Let's check:

A: (-8, -1) - this point does not lie on the line.
B: (-2, -4) - this point does not lie on the line.
C: (4, -4) - this point lies on the line.
D: (0, -3) - this point lies on the line.

Therefore, the coordinate pair that is NOT a solution for the equation is A: (-8, -1).

For the second question, if x = -4, we can look at the graph to find the corresponding y-coordinate:
When x = -4, the y-coordinate is -1.

So, the correct answer is B: -1.