The bottling machine at The Cider Company has a tank that holds 6,400 oz of cider the company uses 8 oz 16 oz and 64 oz bottles the tank is filled before the bottling process begins first 564 oz bottles are filled then 8016 bottles are filled how many 8 oz bottles can be filled with the remaining side explain which step in the process for finding the solution

To solve this problem, we first need to calculate how much cider has been used up by filling the 8 oz and 16 oz bottles.

564 oz bottles x 8 oz = 4,512 oz used
8,016 oz bottles x 16 oz = 128,256 oz used

Total used = 4,512 + 128,256 = 132,768 oz

Subtracting the total used cider from the tank's capacity:
6,400 - 132,768 = 267,232 oz remain in the tank

Next, we need to determine how many 8 oz bottles can be filled with the remaining cider:
267,232 oz / 8 oz per bottle = 33,404 bottles

Therefore, 33,404 8 oz bottles can be filled with the remaining cider. This step demonstrates the calculation necessary to determine the number of 8 oz bottles that can be filled with the remaining cider after filling the 564 oz and 8,016 oz bottles.