In cubic feet, what is the volume of a toy box measuring 3 /34 feet long, 2 1/2 feet wide, and 2 1/2 feet tall? Use the volume formula to solve. The answer will be a mixed fraction in cubic feet

To find the volume of the toy box, we can use the formula

Volume = length x width x height

Given that the length is 3 3/4 feet, the width is 2 1/2 feet, and the height is 2 1/2 feet, we can plug in these values into the formula:

Volume = (3 3/4) x (2 1/2) x (2 1/2)

First, we need to convert all the mixed numbers into improper fractions:

3 3/4 = 15/4
2 1/2 = 5/2
2 1/2 = 5/2

Now we can multiply these fractions:

Volume = (15/4) x (5/2) x (5/2)
Volume = (15*5*5) / (4*2*2)
Volume = 375 / 16

Next, we convert the improper fraction back to a mixed fraction:

375 ÷ 16 = 23 R 7

Therefore, the volume of the toy box is 23 7/16 cubic feet.

good job but the answer has to replace the ? in this:

? ft.^3

Apologies for the oversight.

Therefore, the volume of the toy box is 23 7/16 cubic feet.

So, the volume of the toy box is 23 7/16 ft^3.