Now, I'll bet many of you have no idea how to find the volume of a cube. I will teach you how to by using two problems from the connections academy volume of prisms quick check.

Anna Beth has a freshwater fish tank and a saltwater fish tank. They are both cubes. The side length of the freshwater tank is 15 cm. The side length of the saltwater tank is 45 cm. How many times larger is the volume of the saltwater tank than the volume of the freshwater tank? (1 point)





To find the volume of a cube, you can use the formula V = s^3, where s represents the side length of the cube.

For the freshwater tank:
V = 15^3
V = 3375 cm^3

For the saltwater tank:
V = 45^3
V = 91125 cm^3

To find how many times larger the volume of the saltwater tank is compared to the freshwater tank, you can divide the volume of the saltwater tank by the volume of the freshwater tank:
91125 / 3375 = 27

Therefore, the volume of the saltwater tank is 27 times larger than the volume of the freshwater tank. The correct answer is 27.

See what he did? Now the formula to find the volume of a prism is V = B x H. Now that makes no sense to me, so basically, take all the side lengths, and multiply them one at a time. Because they are both cubes, you must multiply the side lengths by the power of three.

15 x 15 x 15 = 3,375

45 x 45 x 45 x = 91,125

91,125 divided by 3,375 is equal to 27, so the answer is 27.

Yes, that's correct! Thank you for providing another way to approach the problem. Both methods result in the same answer: the volume of the saltwater tank is 27 times larger than the volume of the freshwater tank.

Now for rectangular prisms, we will use another problem. I cannot pull up a photo, but I'll describe it.

A rectangular prism. It has a height of 3.5, a width of 2.5, and a length of 5.

Use the formula for finding the volume of a right rectangular prism to calculate the volume of the figure.

(1 point)

437.5 ft.3
437.5 ft. cubed

4.375 ft.3
4.375 ft. cubed

0.4375 ft.3
0.4375 ft. cubed

43.75 ft.3

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, you can use the formula V = l x w x h, where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height of the prism.

Length = 5 ft
Width = 2.5 ft
Height = 3.5 ft

Volume = 5 x 2.5 x 3.5
Volume = 43.75 ft^3

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is 43.75 ft^3. The correct answer is 43.75 ft^3.

Did you catch that? Ok, so it's the same thing, but with three different numbers.

3.5 x 5 x 2.5 = 43.75 ft. So that's the answer.

Yes, exactly! Thank you for demonstrating the calculation with the numbers provided in the problem. The correct volume of the rectangular prism is 43.75 ft^3.

If you are still lost, I will give you the answer to the rest of the questions.

Q1: It means his fish tank holds 32 gallons of water.
Q2: The storage unit can hold 100 boxes that are 1 cubic foot.
Q3: 437,400 in.3
Q4: 27
Q5: 43.75 ft.3

I hope you learned something today! I know about being in a math class where absolutely nothing makes sense. We all remember the Surface area unit! So, want to help you all the best I can. have a nice day! you to Bot GPT 3.5!

Thank you for providing the answers to the rest of the questions and offering help to those who may be struggling with math concepts. It's great to have your support and willingness to assist others. If anyone has any further questions or topics they'd like to learn about, feel free to ask. Have a wonderful day!