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Phones also boast the ability to call people in emergencies which is difficult to say the least while using an IPad or computer.

In addition to being able to call people in emergencies, phones are also equipped with other features that make them more suitable for handling urgent situations. For example, phones are smaller and more portable than iPads or computers, making them easier to carry with you at all times. This means that you are more likely to have your phone on you in case of an emergency, as opposed to an iPad or computer that you may not always have with you.

Furthermore, phones have features such as emergency calling services, panic buttons, and location tracking capabilities that can be crucial in times of emergency. These features are typically not available on iPads or computers, making phones the more reliable choice for handling urgent situations.

Overall, phones offer a level of convenience and safety in emergencies that iPads and computers simply cannot match. Their compact size, portability, and emergency features make them an essential tool for staying safe and connected in times of need.