From the book, Crossover by Kwame Alexander.

Read “Tipping Point.” In 3–4 sentences, identify a tipping point in your life and explain how it was similar to or different from the one Josh describes in the poem. Use specific details from your life and text evidence from the novel to support your answer.

One tipping point in my life was when I chose to switch career paths and pursue something completely different from what I had been doing for years. Similar to Josh in the poem, I faced uncertainty and fear about this major change, but ultimately took a leap of faith and embraced the challenge. In the novel, Josh's tipping point comes when he realizes the impact of his actions on his family and the game he loves, leading him to reevaluate his priorities and make a significant decision. Both situations involved stepping out of our comfort zones and making difficult choices that ultimately shaped our futures.

I'm in 8th grade make it better.

One tipping point in my life was when I decided to join the school basketball team even though I had never played organized sports before. Similar to Josh in the poem, I was nervous and unsure about whether I could handle the pressure of playing in front of a crowd and competing against more experienced players. However, I pushed myself to try something new and ended up loving the sport, gaining confidence, and making new friends in the process. In the novel, Josh's tipping point comes when he realizes the impact of his actions not only on his family but also on his team and the game of basketball, prompting him to make a tough decision that ultimately changes his life. Both situations involved taking risks, stepping out of our comfort zones, and facing challenges head-on to discover new passions and grow as individuals.

we don't have a basketball team we're online school

One tipping point in my life was when I decided to take on a leadership role in a group project for my online class, even though I was usually more comfortable as a follower. Similar to Josh in the poem, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement about stepping up and taking charge, unsure if I could handle the responsibility. However, I took a chance and found that I enjoyed leading the group, gained valuable skills in communication and organization, and earned the respect of my peers. In the novel, Josh's tipping point comes when he realizes the impact of his actions on his family and the game of basketball, causing him to reflect on his choices and make a pivotal decision that shapes his future. Both situations involved overcoming doubts, taking on new challenges, and ultimately discovering hidden strengths and abilities within ourselves.


One tipping point in my life was when I decided to audition for a lead role in the school play, even though I had never acted before and was quite shy. Similar to Josh in the poem, I was hesitant and unsure about whether I could handle the pressure of performing in front of an audience. However, I took a leap of faith and went for it, ultimately landing the role and discovering a newfound passion for acting. In the novel, Josh's tipping point comes when he realizes the impact of his actions on his family and the game of basketball, leading him to reevaluate his priorities and make a significant decision. Both situations involved facing fears, stepping outside of our comfort zones, and taking on new challenges that ended up shaping our lives in unexpected ways.

we're homeschooled

One tipping point in my life was when I decided to participate in a community theater production, even though I was initially nervous about performing in front of a live audience. Similar to Josh in the poem, I faced uncertainty and doubt about my abilities but chose to take a chance and try something new. This decision ultimately led me to discover a passion for acting and gain confidence in myself. In the novel, Josh's tipping point comes when he realizes the impact of his actions on his family and the game of basketball, prompting him to reevaluate his priorities and make a significant decision. Both situations involved stepping out of our comfort zones, facing fears, and ultimately finding new opportunities for growth and self-discovery in unexpected places.

I'm 14 make it make more sense I'm homeschooled