Imperialism and nationalism, QuickChek, 7.5.6

How did the industrial revolution help lead to European imperialism?
Unemployed European factory workers wanted to migrate to new lands
European cities were overcrowded so people needed new places to
As industry replaced agriculture, Europeans had to import food from overseas
European imperialist needed access to materials to use in their factories

The industrial revolution played a key role in driving European imperialism for several reasons. Firstly, unemployed factory workers in Europe sought opportunities for a better life in new lands that were being colonized by European powers. Additionally, overcrowding in European cities pushed people to search for new places to settle.

Furthermore, as industrialization replaced traditional agriculture in Europe, the continent became reliant on importing food from overseas colonies. This increased the need for European imperialists to establish control over these territories in order to secure their food supply.

Moreover, European industrialists required access to raw materials such as minerals, metals, and rubber to fuel their factories. This drove the imperial powers to expand their colonies in order to exploit the resources of these lands. Overall, the industrial revolution created a strong economic incentive for European nations to engage in imperialism and expand their empires.